James Cain

how long you’ve been climbing?

I discovered climbing in 2017 and began climbing more frequently in college. About two years ago I started working in Indy and began training consistently at Epic.

what got you into climbing?

I had shoulder surgery and was scared of heights, I would freak just climbing the ladder at journeys shoe store. A coworker of mine told me to try it and once I did I was obsessed. 

what you like about it?

It scares me and challenges me. I feel that pushing my limits climbing allows me to become more confident in climbing and everyday life. The sport gives me pure joy and stoke I’m obsessed. 

 a favorite place you’ve climbed?

The red in Kentucky is my favorite place to climb. I went for my first outdoor trip in 2017 and have watched myself grow on the rock there every year. 

 why do you like working at epic?

Epic was my favorite lead climbing gym in Indy before I started working here. It’s a chill environment and a great creative outlet to keep my psyche up!

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